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What Are Mesenchymal Cells And Why Are They Important For Healing And Regeneration?

These master cells in our bodies have the capacity to change into any other type of cell in our body. This means they can can become skin cells, tissue cells, cartilage cells, muscle cells and many others. They have the ability to replicate substantially compared to normal cells.

However, as we age, our stem cells do as well. They become less effective over time at regenerating. This is a big factor in why we age and our bodies deteriorate as we get older.

What if we could introduce newer Mesenchymal cells directly into the areas of pain and degeneration? The ability to heal and regenerate tissue could be significant. 

Mesenchymal Cells Can Transform Into Other Cell Types

stem cell transformation

What are mesenchymal cells?

In scientific terms, they are multipotent stromal (connective tissue) cells that can transform into many types of other cells in the body. If you pain is the result of muscle degeneration, they can transform into muscle cells to heal. Multipotent means they can develop into multiple types of cells. They are messengers that signal your body to activate self-healing and regeneration. The mesenchymal cells do not create new tissue or healing, they signal your body to activate a cascade of cellular functions. As we age, we have fewer of these cells, therefore getting a boost of them may help many conditions.

• Reduce Inflammation • Self-Replicate • Fight Apoptosis (Cell death) • Transform Into Different Cell Types as needed

A Mesenchymal Cell May:

• Reduce Inflammation
• Self-Replicate
• Fight Apoptosis (Cell death)
• Transform Into Different Cell Types as needed

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